
It takes approximately 1-2 business days to process your order. Once shipped, you should receive it in 3-8 business days.

Note: Shipping for Hawaii, Alaska, APO/FPO/DPO, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and Guam may take up to 6 weeks in some cases.

We currently only ship to the United States.

All orders are subject to a $5.99 fee per shipment from each shipping location. You can see where your item is being shipped from in the “Shipping Location” section of the item details page.

Unfortunately, expedited shipping is not available at this time.

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email with tracking information. If you have additional questions, reach out to americaneagle@thredup.com for support.

If the estimated delivery time frame for your package has passed, please contact americaneagle@thredup.com with your order number, and we’ll be happy to track your package.

Sometimes, orders are prematurely scanned as delivered and may still be held at the post office for pickup. We ask that you please take the following steps before we investigate further:
• Check with your neighbors, roommates, property manager, or front office
• Search around your porch or property in case the package was placed in a secure and hidden location
• Confirm with your delivery provider to see if the package was held
If you don't receive your order within 14 days, please reach out to americaneagle@thredup.com.

Please reach out to americaneagle@thredup.com with your order number to request a cancellation. If a cancellation is not possible due to immediate processing, take advantage of our easy returns process.

Please reach out to americaneagle@thredup.com to see if an update to your shipping address is possible—make sure to include your order number and new address. Once an order has been processed, the shipping address cannot be changed. In these cases, we recommend establishing a mail forwarding address.

Once an order has been placed, we cannot change the chosen payment method. If your order hasn’t been processed yet, ThredUp Customer Service may be able to cancel your order. Please reach out to americaneagle@thredup.com with your order number.


If you decide an item isn't the right fit for you, visit our Returns page to process your request. Returns must be sent back within 14 days of delivery. The 14-day timeframe starts when an item is delivered, not the order as a whole. If your order is arriving in multiple shipments, you may have different return windows. Multiple items may be sent in one package, as long as the return slips are included.

Refund Requirements:
• Items MUST be returned in the condition that you received them (i.e., items that are New with Tags must have original tags attached, clothing must not be worn or washed, etc.).
• Original shipping charge for returned items will not be refunded.
• Final-item sales may not be returned.

Your refund will be issued to your original form of payment. Note that a shipping return fee of $5.99 will be deducted from your refund.

We only accept online returns for RE/AE items at this time. Please visit our Returns page to process your return.

Once processed, it may take your bank up to 7 business days to credit the refund to your account.


All RE/AE items are processed and inspected according to strict quality standards to ensure they are “re-sellable,” meaning no signs of wear (pilling, shrinkage, fading), no damage (missing parts, rips, stains, odors), and no alterations.

Our inventory is constantly changing because we receive items from our customers’ closets. We list new items every hour, so check the site often to find your perfect match!


Reach out to us at americaneagle@thredup.com. Please note that all RE/AE customer service questions will be handled via this email.

ThredUp is transforming resale with technology and a mission to inspire a new generation of consumers to think secondhand first. By making it easy to buy and sell secondhand, ThredUp has become one of the world’s largest resale platforms for women’s and kids’ apparel, shoes, and accessories.